Reset Your Password.



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Lost your password? Please enter your Mobile Number. You will receive a OTP to create a new password.

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Please Enter OTP to confirm reset password.

* Kindly set your new password after signing in. Resend OTP


Please Enter OTP to confirm register

Resend OTP




About Us

About Company

I M Logistic has been serving the industry since 1960 & will keep on serving with same dignity and impact in future too.

With the moving times, we have more advanced plans and highly secured technologies involvement in our business structure to deliver our prompt and authentic services in more effective and efficient manner with vision to serve you better.

Increasing your trust year by year and help you growing your business day by day is only our motto.

As your trust and lovely support gives us enthusiasm to deliver the best, we are glad to inform that we have come up with an application to provide easy, smooth and quick service for you and your business to grow more with safer hands.

I M Logistic believes in serving you with the best or nothing less then that and so wish to keep on receiving your support and trust for better tomorrow for both of us.